
Sesame Token (SST) - Jejaring Sosial Makanan Terdesentralisasi Didukung oleh Blockchain

SESAME Token  menyediakan layanan pengiriman makanan berdasarkan permintaan klien melalui teknologi blockchain yang terdesentralisasi. Dengan demikian, telah menghilangkan kebutuhan penyedia pihak ketiga yang dibutuhkan dengan cara konvensional menawarkan layanan makanan sesuai permintaan. Sesame Token bertujuan untuk menciptakan platform tidak hanya bagi pelanggan untuk mengakses pengiriman makanan instan tetapi untuk restoran dan kurir untuk melakukan transaksi langsung. MENGAPA TOKEN SESAME Token wijen adalah jaringan makanan terdesentralisasi yang diberdayakan oleh Blockchain dan AI. Ini memaksimalkan pemanfaatan makanan dan mengurangi limbah. Ini menawarkan pencarian waktu nyata untuk kelebihan makanan di restoran, toko kelontong & makanan kemasan dan membantu mengarahkan mereka ke pembeli dengan harga diskon. MASALAH DAN SOLUSI   Masalah Buang-buang makanan karena tidak menjualnya pada akhir hari; sering dibuang daripada dijual pada akhir hari deng...


There are a huge number of cryptocurrencies currently(1737 as officially listed on at the time of writing) with more coming up. These require exchanges to enable their liquidity as well as to allow potential users in any part of the world to be able to buy and own them. In the past few years we have seen a lot of issues affecting such exchanges ranging from massive hacks to crackdowns by regulatory bodies etc. These call for a new generation of exchanges which are compliant with regulations as well reach out to the people they serve. It is for this reason that Adab solutions has set out to create the first Shariah-compliant cryptocurrency exchange which will despite being an Islamic exchange still reach out to non-muslims. ADAB SOLUTIONS AT A GLANCE Adab is developing the First Islamic Cryptocurrency Exchange(FICE) which has at its heart the norms of Shariah. It is imperative to note that due to the nature of islam which preaches and holds holiness in high estee...


WatchUGot Привет, на этот раз я напишу статью о  WatchUGot.  Вам должно быть интересно, что такое  WatchUgot  .  Прочтите эту статью, пока она не будет закончена, чтобы вы поняли о  WatchUGot  . WatchUgot - это социальная проблема, связанная с блочной цепью, которая облегчит использование сообщества посредством социальных благотворительных инициатив и вознаградит их в виде криптовалютности.  Конечно, вы все еще помните задачу IceBucketChallenge.  IceBucketChallenge - это вызов поливать себя одним ведром холодной воды.  Этот вирусный вызов в 2014 году сопровождался художниками, актерами, музыкантами и широкой публикой в ​​качестве сборщика средств, которые будут использоваться, чтобы помочь другим, нуждающимся в независимости от расы, этнической принадлежности или культуры.  Но в то время, когда IceBucketChallenge не было известно, сколько людей следовали и не знали, сколько денег было собрано в задаче.  WatchUgot соз...
BlooCYS - Helping Consumers Hire the Right Professionals for Consulting Services Hello everyone, in this new post I want to introduce the BlooCYS project, and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion: What is BlooCYS ? BlooCYS is ultimately an Uber-like platform that helps consumers hire the right professional for the consultancy service they need. It can be learning a new language. Getting a make-up or hair tutorial. Or fixing a bug or an IT related problem. The possibilities are endless. All via video. And in real time. Simply, it’s a win-win platform for everyone This makes BlooCYS truly unique as it offers convenience, timely delivery and high standards of service that today’s demanding consumers are expecting. In fact, the consultancy service on BlooCYS can be delivered to them whether they are at home, office, cafe or in the park. At the same time, BlooCYS empowers professionals and experts in different fields who are looking for...
ANGENIUM - Unique Project of Precious and Rare Metal Extraction Hello everyone, If you are interested in joining the Angenium project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission, as follows: ANGENIUM is a unique project of the efficiently extract ofnoble and rare metals, silicon oxides, aluminum and iron from man-caused waste. We recycle waste, saving the environment from pollution. From the mass of waste, we get a product of high cost. This becomes possible because of the use of a unique sorbent that extracts precious metals with maximum selectivity and is suitable for all types of waste. Today, this technology is absent at the market and has no analogues. The funds collected at the ICO are used to build awaste treatment plant with the subsequent extraction of high-purity (99.9%)oxides of silicon, aluminum, iron and precious metals. The technologyis based on fluoridation and the use of...