
STOP THE FAKES - Detecting And Eliminating Counterfeit Activities Hello all, Now phenomena like counterfeiting are very common. And there is a platform that can eradicate piracy. If you're interested, then I want to introduce you to StopTheFakes. This platform is the world's leading decentralized service to detect and eliminate fake activity, as well as infringing on intellectual property rights. Now this problem is being tried all over the world. It should be noted that because of our mentality, this topic is highly relevant to our country! This is not necessary, I think to say that piracy causes huge losses to corporate earnings, and as a result, against the country's tax revenue. Of course, the state is trying in every possible way to solve this problem, but so far their program of action has not been as successful as desired. With the help of StopTheFakes, shareholders are given the opportunity to attract consumers to look for counterfeit products and pirated

15 Sorotan Fiancia ICO Yang Harus Anda Ketahui

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